The Ancient Secret to Rational Thought
What Every Person Ought To Know… But Has Never Been Taught
Now YOU can have the benefit of an elite education
Tony Meyers’ Logic Course: A Primer in Intellectual Self-Defense
This course zeroes in on Aristotelian Formal Logic (the second art of the Trivium):

Build a theoretical framework to explore Fallacies and Definitions

Quickly discern and identify fallacies you encounter daily

Respond to fallacies appropriately

Appreciate the nuance of argumentation and human discourse
“So much better than the logic course I took as an undergrad.” —Karissa B.
The powers that (shouldn’t) be are using our ignorance of Logic against us.
There is a method and an art to correct thinking. There are natural laws of non-contradictory reasoning. There are objective definitions of the words and terms that describe our reality.
Are you noticing that day by day, the outrageous premise of “1984” becomes more of a reality? In Winston’s world, “...the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense.”
If you notice the eerie resemblance to our world, and you’re ready to take action and defend your mind against the onslaught of media manipulation, this course is for you.
Tony Meyers’ Logic Course: A Primer in Intellectual Self-Defense!
Tony Meyers breaks down the art of logical reasoning in this 6-part course. He equips you with the tools you need to:
- Weed out contradictions in reasoning
- Identify logical fallacies in everyday life
- Argue against inappropriate use of language and reason
- Properly define words and terms
- Alleviate feelings of anxiety and cognitive dissonance with an objective method of discerning truth from lies
- Sharpen your mind and appropriately engage with everyday contradictions, fallacies, and propaganda
6 Pre-recorded Lectures
- A breakdown of the history, theory, and method. This lays the foundation to fully apply the concepts to everyday life
- Clips, recordings, and resources from renowned Logic teachers
- REAL LIFE analysis of media clips, interviews, news stories - Tony rolls the tape and breaks down the fallacies being used in current day propaganda
6 Pre-Recorded Q&A Sessions
- See what other students had to say in response to the lectures - their questions and observations add even more depth to each lesson
- A deeper exploration of real-life applications from students just like you
Supplemental Resources
- Tony’s favorite books and materials for studying Logic
We are living in an unprecedented time where key terms are being redefined right before our eyes.
Changing definitions disconnects us from reality, and creates cognitive dissonance.
“Steal the key language…and redefine it, and the people become confused. It’s Newspeak from 1984.” —John Taylor Gatto
This course will present the basic concepts of Logical reasoning, show examples of its usage in everyday life, and make it possible for you to develop intellectual self-defense against the onslaught of mid/dis/malinformation permeating the cultural and political landscapes.