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Presenting an innovative, accessible approach to the study of philosophy.
Gain fluency and understanding of philosophical principles, and how they relate to your everyday life.
This 12-week online course covers:
Engaging “takes” that are a refreshing change from legacy curricula, delivered in true Jay Dyer style
A survey of Western history and philosophers, from the pre-Socratics to the modern era - including influential thinkers who are restricted from legacy curricula
How to develop the mark of an “educated man” by understanding an opposing viewpoint without adopting it; train yourself to recognize a good or bad argument, regardless of the person making it
Develop tools that allow you to be cross-examine the influences surrounding you, from academia to media
- Gain the advantage of knowing your opponent’s viewpoint at least as well as they do - and utilize that advantage in all areas of life
“The examined life is the only one worth living”...
NPC’s throughout the ages have chosen to go through the motions without seeking wisdom or understanding.
For those who are awake, this course will take you on a journey…
From an introductory understanding of philosophy to a deep knowledge of western history, you will develop skills and tools that allow you to cross-examine the propaganda that surrounds you.
The goal is not simply to accumulate data and knowledge.
The goal of this journey is for you to develop wisdom - the virtuous, appropriate application of knowledge, at the right time, and in the right way.