Introducing a Creator-Centric Course That Will Teach You How To Draw, Publish, & Market Your Own Comic Book Art
Even if you’re a total novice when it comes to drawing or think you have no talent
💥 Master Drawing Fundamentals So You Can Design the Structure of Anything
💥 Gain Skills To Create Any Kind Of Comic Book Art From Classic Strips To Manga
💥 Understand The Art Of Sequential Storytelling And How To Bedazzle Your Readers
💥 Develop Well-Rounded Characters And Know What Makes Them Tick
💥 Acquire Techniques To Help You More Accurately Draw What’s In Your Head
💥 Uncover Exactly What Kind Of Creator You Are And The Stories You Want To Tell
💥 Learn To Market And Sell Your Artwork, Your Skills, And Yourself As A Creator
Are you tired of spinning your wheels trying to draw your own comics?
Are you looking for ways to improve your artistic abilities and actually get your art in front of an audience?
Making comics isn’t just about sitting down and drawing some pictures. It’s about creating fully developed characters and environments, understanding the principles of design, utilizing the fundamentals of form, shading, color theory, line weight, and composition… Then putting it all together to create a well-composed scene.
If that all seems overwhelming, take a deep breath and relax. You have come to the right place.

Follow our methods closely and you will be on your way to creating and publishing your work in no time!
The comic book publishing industry is a competitive and challenging space. You are not just selling your art and skills… you have to sell yourself as a creator that potential clients and employers can work with. This requires networking, marketing, and sometimes crowdfunding. It means building your brand through email marketing, social media, conventions, and more.
I know, I know… not exactly what you had in mind when you said to yourself “I want to draw comics for a living!”
The good news is that with the right guidance, tools, and strategies, you might see your work on display for sale quicker than you ever thought possible.
COMIC PROS & COMIC CONSA Creator's Guide to Making Comics
Now you have the opportunity to receive direct guidance from a reliable and light-hearted teacher who has the skills, experience, and know-how to help you turn your comic idea into a reality.
Become the artist you’ve always wanted to be… and learn how to turn that into a living.

Anthony Summey has been teaching drawing, animation, character design, and storyboarding for the past 11 years. Originally from the small southern town of Walhalla, SC, he used to drive his grade school teachers crazy with doodles of superheroes all over his homework assignments. Needless to say, he always has and always will love to draw.
He is currently a Freelance Comic Book Artist and Professor for the Digital Production Arts Program at Clemson University where students are learning to become professionals in the game and animation industries. He has received his MFA degree from the Savannah College of Art and Design with a concentration in Sequential Art. His work has appeared internationally with an ever-growing client list.
Now he seeks to empower a new generation of creators to help you achieve your dream of creating your own comic masterpiece.

In 15 Weeks, You Will Learn:
What Type of Creator You Are
- Find your creative identity and what stories you want to tell
- Define what YOU need to focus on to get your skills up
- Figure out which publishers might be most receptive to your work
- Get personalized strategies and guidance along the way
Comic Book Scripting and Story Development
- Story structure basics and what makes a good story good
- Understand the most common types of conflict to leverage
- Create enthralling characters that will be remembered
- Learn the common types of formats used by comics writers
The Fundamentals of Drawing and Visual Storytelling
- Composition and the principles of design
- Shading and rendering to define form and light sources
- Color Theory and the common types of color schemes
- Figure Drawing and Basic Anatomy
Build Your World and Design Unique Characters
- Set up the rules and limitations for your world
- Create model sheets for props, vehicles, characters, etc.
- Learn to create unique, unforgettable character designs
- Identify everything you need to design for your story
The Art of Sequential Storytelling
- Learn to use all the comic-making tools - traditional and digital
- Pencilers, inkers, colorists, letterers, and their impact on your story
- Understand page layouts and the eye flow across the page
- Explore digital coloring and storyboarding for film & animation
Marketing Your Comics and Building Your Business
- Building your portfolio and how to design it for specific publishers
- Freelance contracts and work-for-hire agreements
- Using email marketing and social media to build your brand
- How to find and target the right publishers for your work
I had Anthony Summey for a total of three classes while I was at college. One of which was an independent study that I chose him to be the professor for.
Anthony was amazing to have as a professor because he was able to give me meaningful critiques on my artwork. He was able to help me understand what skills I was weak in so that I could focus on improving those skills. Most of all, he was able to challenge me artistically and pushed me outside of my comfort zone.
Anthony goes above and beyond for his students. He gets to know all of their individual goals as artists and then helps them move in the right direction. He also keeps everyone updated on possible jobs in the art industry that students would be interested in. I would not be on the same path as I am on now if it were not for his guidance. Even since graduating I have kept in touch and continue to seek his advice regularly.

Madison Braman
Clemson University
December 2020
Bachelor of Arts, Computer Science - Digital Production
Arts Minor

Comic Pros & Comic Cons
will give you everything you need to start drawing, publishing, and marketing your own comic book creations in just 15 weeks
You will also get:
💥 Lifetime access to 50+ pre-recorded modules
💥 Downloadable recordings of every session
💥 Access to the Private Discord community