The Complete Guide to Forming Communities with Stefan Verstappen
Everything you need to take your freedom into your own hands, create mutual aid support, and survive the coming collapse.

Learn from history which communities failed, which ones thrived, and why

Discover how to build your own services to prepare for when existing ones disappear

Secure a strong foundation for your community with Charters and By-Laws

Identify which legal structure your group should take while the current system still stands

Find out how to screen for psychopaths and avoid being overrun by the wrong people

Become self-sufficient, share knowledge, and support each other during the bad times
It’s time to set aside doom and gloom to make way for hope-restoring solutions.
Throughout history, our greatest survival strategy has been our ability to co-operate and work together. We cannot thrive alone. A lone individual in the wilderness can survive for a time, but one wrong move and that individual will quickly succumb to the elements, starvation, or predators.
This same logic applies today. The lone individual or single-family home can make it for a while, but what do we do when a family member needs medical, financial, or another form of support that is beyond the scope of your individual abilities?
In order to go beyond just surviving and into thriving requires one very important thing — community.

To get there, we need some tenacity, willingness, and a bit of expert guidance.
Researcher and adventurer, Stefen Verstappen has spent decades scouring history and searching for examples from the past that could help us in the present. He’s the author of dozens of articles in various magazines and newspapers and he’s written eight books on survival strategies, including The Way of the Warrior, The Art of Urban Survival, and The Thirty-Six Strategies of Ancient China.
He has worked as an instructor for St John Ambulance, a wilderness guide, a community organizer, and a martial arts instructor with over thirty-five years of experience in the martial arts, including four years spent studying in China.
Now he shares this wealth of experience to help us help ourselves in these uncertain times.
Why I built this courseWhat the community is saying...
The Complete Guide to Forming Communities brings you over 40 lessons packed full of ideas, plans, and tools to help you organize into mutual support communities.
You will learn all the ins and outs of:
The History of Mutual Aid
From tribes and monasteries to spiritual communities and hippy communes, discover which communities failed, which ones thrived, and why.
How to Start a Mutual Aid Group
Learn what you need to take into account when starting a group, including screening, common values, rites of passage, and more.
Legal Structure
Learn the 3 main types of legal structures a mutual aid group can take as well the advantages and disadvantages of each one.
Charters, By-Laws, and Meeting Protocols
Build a strong foundation and avoid being overrun by the wrong people with a mission statement, confidentiality, voting, commitment, and more.
Financial Communities
How to provide financial aid and services to members and charity relief to surrounding communities with lending circles, gifting circles, giving circles, hardship aid, and more.
Home and Health Communities
Support groups, health insurance co-operatives, retirement homes, homeschooling groups, homeless shelters, gardening co-ops, food co-ops, and more.
Disaster Preparedness Communities
Learn how to establish a home base, organize a citizen volunteer search and rescue, or set up a neighborhood watch citizen patrol.
Survivalist Communities
How to support each other with shelter, nourishment, medical, communications, security, establishing preparedness levels, creating safe houses, and more.
You’ll also receive detailed PDF handouts for each section and more than 10 bonus videos, including How to Survive Martial Law, the Urban Survival Emergency Kit, and How to Spot Lies and Deception. Along with my new 400-page manual soon to be released.
$297 $197
Group buying is highly encouraged!
This course is perfect to watch with a group. You can all pitch in together, making it even more affordable, and host viewing parties so you are all learning and growing together!
Everyone is telling you what’s wrong with the world. It’s time to set aside the doom and gloom and start building solutions to these challenging times.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for!
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